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The Creator And Nature Are One

We Are One With IT And Nature

 May We Always Feel After IT'S Presence In Nature 

... And Always  Allow Our Lives To Be A Reflection Of  IT'S Nature!


           Aarinade W.

Intuitive Transformation

  • Are You Feeling Stuck, A Bit Lost and Confused About Where You Are?

  • What’s Your Greatest Challenge Right Now?

  • How Do You Plan To Move Forward?

Intuitive Transformation is a one-on-one 5 Session packet I created to give you some time to open up and focus your attention fully on where you are in your life , what challenges you are currently facing , how to keep moving though your challenges as you seek to find yourself, gift and your place in Life.


Finding your way through the various challenges that are initiatory in nature will help you to grow consciously and intentionally to become a mature spiritual being as you go inwardly to take note to what is going on inside of your own Soul, Spirit , Mind and Body. Taking note to see if these various selves are in harmony with each other and Nature itself.


You’ll gain a better understanding about what is true Spirituality, spiritual maturity and development, a process we all must go through, to have emotional stability from within.


I have combined my years of experiences-wisdom, from learning to listen to my intuition as a clairvoyant and clairaudient to guide me in my work along with the Dagara Numerology  Medicine wheel Chart, to create a product that will meet your spiritual needs for a clearer pathway forward.

This system will help you to find your own natural rhythm and connection to The “Silence”, the Essence of all life” and your own unique way of expressing yourself in the world.

There is nothing more important, than your natural connection to Source, who you are,  and knowing what your gift is. 


“To understand your natural rhythm

who you are and the gift that you carry within is priceless“


When you know where you are going you won’t be so easily distracted. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to and listen to you, to help you gain a broader perspective on life and your situation. We’ll start by looking at your birth chart, the challenges and blocks you are facing and whatever else that may be triggering for you at this time.


5 Sessions: $450.00 – Hour and Half Each session

One-Session is Also Available /$125.00


let talk !

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Thanks For Your Kindness!

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Ancestral Lineage Healing

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A Special Reminder:


I share this because Spirit brought it to my attention


Our ancestors always honored the Spirit of the Divine Creator and Its will, in their lives, teachings and ritual work.They understood the Spirit of Oneness and that they were embodied by  this Divine Spirit. 

We are an extension of that Source. It is the thread that runs through all things manifested and that we should follow. It is the Source within us that is awaking to ITS ownself as you. 


I think this is to not be forgotten when  working with them, and in our teachings.

With so much focus on the Ancestors, this understanding seems to have gotten lost. 

It appears that maybe some are more concern with  rituals, initiations and ceremonies


Don't forget the Source and  "Iwa Pele"...Good character.


So, I join my Ancestors understanding and confidence in the work that I do, as I work with them in honoring the Source of the power that they, the Ancestors will be working with in our sessions. 


A brief share : 

In one of my personal sessions with them I ask one of my guides how come the work was finish so quickly, she looked at me with her bubbly personality and said “IT the ASE baby, It’s the Ase”. I laughed with a deep understanding of what she meant!  She was talking about the power of the Universe!

Get to know thyself and your power, for it is the beginning of ALL wisdom!!!


What is Ancestral Lineage healing?


Ancestral lineage healing is a meditative technique and method created by Dr. Daniel Foor, intended to bring one into a direct relationship with one’s own ancestral family, for healing  the traumatic effects on  one’s four basic family blood lines and to discover the blessings that were passed down the lineages.


This technique provides a thorough and effective step-by-step approach not only to support ancestral healing, but your healing, your family, those who are yet to be born, and the healing of  cultural and historical troubles. Once lines have been made well, they are harmonized into a community of supportive ancestors who will be able to continue supporting you and the family in thematic ways in your daily lives. You will want to continue to deepen this relationship so that you become comfortable in relating to them as they will become family to you.


This approach to ancestor reverence and ritual emphasizes psychological and ritual safety. The technique is universal and complimentary to whatever ancestral work  or healing modality you are currently using. Your relationship with  animism will  also deepen, those other than human spirit guides and helpers, who are always supporting you, even when we are not aware of their presence.


There are four basic needs to be aware of to be open to this ritual work.

*There is a continuation of consciousness after death.
*Not all dead are equally well.
*The living and the dead can communicate.
*The living and the dead can influence each other.


One of the many  beautiful things  that I love about this system is there’s no need for a spiritual calling, specific belief system, or prior experience with the ancestors to participate. Just enter into it with an open mind and heart ready to experience something fresh and healing. I have benefited greatly from this work in sooo...any ways, so I  decided to become a Practitioner. No matter your ethnicity or gender we all have Ancestors, well ones and not so well ones that can benefit  greatly from this methodology approach. I’m so excited about offering you this opportunity to  experience this  healing work, for you and your people/family.
Offering Low- Budget Sessions To Ancestral Medicine Referrals

Payment Options Available
10 Sessions: $1,111.00​
Accept This“Free” 3o Minutes Consulting Session!
Image by Cullan Smith
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"Fire"doorway to the world of the "Ancestors".

Coming Soon!

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Ancestral Soul Retrieval 

  • Do you ever feel hollow or as if something is missing inside of you, like you can’t connect fully with yourself?

  • Have you given away your power?

  • Do you have long-past traumas that still haunts you and still controlling your life

       Blockages that you just can’t seem to move past?

  • Do you ever feel as if you’ve lost yourself somewhere along the way?

  • Do you feel betrayed, rejected or wounded on an emotional level?


Some of these experiences maybe from previous lifetimes. Soul retrieval maybe the answer to many if not all of these emotional pains and feelings, that's just causing you to feel stuck and powerless!


...Reclaim now, those lost pieces and stand in your power!


Too many are walking around un-aware of the amount of damage done to themselves.

However, if one wants to feel wholeness, these fragmentations must be gathered and reintegrated back into your lives.

These are intense times, for the earth, ourselves, and our future. And many of us are coming into recognizing the need for self-care and healing of our own wounds and traumas' as we seek to impact and play a part in the world around us. Our collective need for something healthier and deeper is shining a spotlight on some ancient healing traditions.


Soul retrieval, a particularly powerful branch of shamanism, has been a tradition in indigenous cultures across the globe, stretching back to the dawn of humanity. It's a powerful, viable means of healing. Why?... because it actually works.


This is something I have learned that our well, bloodline Ancestors are willing and able to do.This seems to be something they are concerned with, as this approach was given to me by them. So the name, “Ancestral Soul Retrieval “is how I named it.They too were Medicine People-Shamans during their time here on earth. 

In this form of soul retrieval,it differs in that the focus of this work of working with the Ancestors is, it will be given solely to soul retrieval. This is important for me due to my own experience with soul retrieval  with my Ancestors.

 I am very thrilled about the possibility of working with anyone who feels drawn to this healing work. 


The work can be done in small groups or individually but only in person

due to the emotional nature of some people’s responses.


"You Will be held well during these sensitive and healing sessions"

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